
Type of Energy

Types of energy have greatly evolved over the past 10 years. Renewable energy sources, which emerged as a result of growing global environmental awareness, include wind energy, geothermal energy, solar energy, hydroelectric power, and the energy from vegetable biomass. Unlike renewable energy sources, fossil fuels are more often subject to price fluctuations caused by stock market speculation. From the environmental point of view, fossil fuels are not only exhaustible but also a recognizable source of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Embracing renewable energy sources is certainly the key to successful environmental protection and social responsibility. Each source of renewable energy has its own niche and offers particular advantages, which should be used wisely.

Some of the questions one should ask to ensure rational use of energy are:

  • Is the resource available nearby?
  • Is it a renewable source of energy?
  • Are there any environmental impacts?
  • Will it help reduce the environmental footprint?

CANAWICK ecological fuels are a green solution and the answer to all those questions.

Cost Calculator

Several types of tools can help you calculate your annual heating or fuel costs. Some stick to just a few factors, while others, more comprehensive, will help you calculate your heating costs more accurately. The CANAWICK cost calculator takes the main factors into account, thus offering the best estimate of your annual heating costs with a minimum amount of information.

See how much you can save with CANAWICK ecological fuels by using our calculator!

Note: Our calculator uses data taken from Natural Resources Canada’s Website.
